Eyes Wide Open Podcast Update
A short update on the podcast.
I am currently editing a second episode with the omniscient Richard Grannon who seems to be everywhere at the moment as he has just celebrated 400k subscribers on YouTube. With any luck that should be published this week.
The podcast with economic reformer Anthony Migchels, which I recorded while in Netherlands is scheduled for release at the end of next week. It’s a potent conversation about money creation, banking swindles and interest-free currencies as the solution to our financial problems
It’s edited and ready to go but I think releasing Grannon’s first is better scheduling.
This week I am recording another podcast with Irish poet UberBoyo. I have no idea what we’re going to talk about but I’m interested how the Goths conquered Rome and became the Holy Roman Empire in Germany.
I’m sure we’ll also once again lament the fall of the West!
It’s a busy week ahead as I am trying to maintain a one show per-week schedule for peak consistency!
Let me know if you have any thoughts, questions or suggestions.