Hey friend,
Well that was another eventful week.
With the passing of Queen Elizebeth II, death played a big part and the country is officially in mourning. The public display of grief became a global spectacle.
Images of a placid population queuing for 24hrs for a final glimpse of the Queen’s coffin were beamed around the world.
This dysfunctional relationship with death got me thinking; what happens after we die? Where did the Queen go? Where will I go? Where will you go?
In modern liberal Britain the idea of God or a divine Creator who grants eternal life beyond death has faded into the background. The Church of England is a laughing stock and Catholicism is crumbling. Atheism reigns supreme in civil society.
But this outpouring towards the Queen, clearly shows the British, despite our conditioning, still yearn for a connection to the ‘Other’ which I guess is the subtext of ‘The Queue’.
The Sovereign is ordained as Monarch by The Archbishop of Canterbury to be Defender of the Faith and indeed the authority of all Monarch’s is under this principle; to protect and uphold God’s law; natural law; the common law.
However, in this modern world any attempt to reconnect with our animating spirit is met with ridicule and derision by a heavily biased media and academia. They do not want us to entertain ideas beyond those of a conditioned debt slave.
Cultural atheism promotes a life so devoid of meaning that it creates what Mattias Desmet calls an ‘air of free-floating anxiety throughout the population’.
We’re born. We live. We die. And that’s the end of it. Oblivion. Or so the Dogma goes. How utterly depressing. How demoralising. The futility of it all.
People consumed with this omnipotent background anxiety are easy to control, which is the ultimate objective of the elites. Because if they want to continue their rule they must keep the masses well away from our true meaning and destiny.
So they have ‘Killed God’ and drive us towards the great void that awaits us upon death.
Or so they’d have us believe. Not me though. Not us. We have more inspirational places to focus our consciousness.
My personal journey which I explore through my podcasts (and now this newsletter) is about reconnecting to the higher power that created our animating spirt to become a better man.
The best way to do this is through direct experience. For I believe that once this experience is part of our journey we can make sense of everything else; politics, history, power, money, etc …
Which brings me onto this week’s podcast with Luigi Sciambarella.
Luigi is a hypno-psychotherapist and key trainer for the Monroe Institute, the legendary institution founded by consciousness pioneer Robert Monroe.
After discovering he had a talent for Out-of-Body experiences and Lucid dreaming from an early age, Luigi dedicated his life to expanding his consciousness and has been a trainer for the Monroe institute since 2006. He is quite simply one of the world’s leading experts in the study of human consciousness and alternate realities.
In this conversation, we talk deeply about what happens after death, direct experience with God, the resurgence in Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, The CIA, Project Stargate and a lot more.
I hope it lifts your spirits as much as it did mine.
My Research
If you liked the topics discussed, I have complied some of my research used for the show and the important links we mentioned;
Have a great week and remember these wise word from Bill Hicks;
“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.”
Until next time friend,
Laurence x